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Thursday, 1 March 2012

Blazing Fire Day 3

Ok its day 3 of the burning fire, but i have been considering this post since last night, this morning it was raining, but i went out and took some dry wood and put it on the ashes from last night, and soon we were up and running again! Just had to fan the fire a little.  (side note : It is no longer raining.)
I have been watching from last night how the bark of the wood, even though designed to resist the elements and protect the trunk, seems more flammable and less resistant to the heat and the fire, i guess it is dry and has been cut up and stacked for some time, anyway i can find many metaphors to connect with this.
Last night i was playing with the notion that these are like different types of people, some take after the bark and some the trunk, those who take after the bark will be more interested in the qualities and the strengths of the outside and the outside appearance, and will be dependent of the bark to protect whatever is inside, which they are probably not putting that much attention or energy to strengthening, as they are too preoccupied maintaining the outward appearance for others too see.
The bark however is a lot more easily destroyed than the trunk, just as the conceptions of  this person shall be, following this whatever is inside will then be revealed, to good effect or bad. Normally the lack of strength inside will generally mean the bark is even weaker and more easily broken, and it is to a bad effect more times than good.
Those who take after the trunk will be naturally stonger, being interested in the qualities and the strengths of the inside and the inside appearance, and will not be so worried about the bark, knowing it can and will be damaged to reveal what is inside, and knowing that they put energy and attention to the strength inside, which will also make the bark outside stronger as they gain inner strength.
This is the way most tree's grow, tree's that fit the first description normally are sick, rotting or dying.
The 2nd is a more balanced and natural way to persue.
Then something else occurred to me, the bark is more like the defensive walls we put up to protect the person inside, and in the case that person inside has been neglected and the core is not stronger as it naturally should be, when the bark comes down........................ either way both trunk and bark turn to ash when met with fire, one just lasts longer than the other and the race is not for the swift.